Ways to Encourage Healthy Work-life Balance for Employees

happy employees

It has been well-established that the happier the employees, the more successful the company. There are a growing number of researches on the relationships among employees, a positive organizational environment, and the business’ bottom line.

Many companies go to great lengths just to create the happiest workplace possible. From applying ergonomics in the office layout to promoting employee security by providing corporate uniforms in New Zealand, companies are making conscious upgrades to their culture. One buzzword among a lot of companies nowadays is “work-life balance.” This is due to the fact that the millennial generation of workers is projected to take up at least 75% of the workforce by 2025. One way to appeal to millennial workers is by maintaining this work-life balance concept.

Here are some ways to promote a healthy lifestyle without sacrificing employee productivity:

Offer and Embrace Flexible Working Opportunities

Allowing employees to have flexible work schedules is a great way to encourage work-life balance. It does not mean that employees can come and go as they please, which is usually a concern for many employers. Instead, it means providing several options for an employee’s working hours or workdays. For instance, an employer can require a set weekly hour requirement, and employees can choose to space their time out accordingly as long as the necessary work gets done. Another option is to introduce employees the freedom to choose when to start their workday.

Flexible work arrangements will benefit both staff and supervisors. For the employees, they can get their work done, get paid, and still be able to attend their children’s sports games. For companies, this means ease of management while enjoying greater productivity and performance. Additionally, this also leads to improved employee morale and higher staff retention.

Allow Employees to Work Remotely

The perfect complement to offering flexible schedule is offering the option to work remotely. Many successful companies are allowing their employees to work remotely or telecommute. These businesses are reaping the rewards. Several studies, in fact, show that employees are 13% more productive when provided with the option to work from home than working in the office. The ability to work remotely allows workers to take care of their personal needs and get things done while still contributing to the organization’s success.

For example, a working parent needs to take a full day off to take care of a sick child. Supporting telecommuting will allow her to care for the child while working at the same time.

Avoid Unnecessary Communication with Employees on Leave

boss calling on the phone

Time off should be treated as exactly that. Supervisors should refrain from calling, texting, or communicating employees when outside of working hours. Contacting employees outside of work too frequently can lead to stress and employee burnout. A Mental Health Foundation survey showed that 40% of employees resented their current jobs because the long hours led them to neglect other aspects of their lives outside work. With this in mind, it is important to set expectations that when an employee is on leave, unnecessary work communication should be avoided. Employees should be given the time to enjoy a proper break.

As it has been well-established, encouraging employees to find a balance between their personal lives and their work greatly outweighs any temporary inconveniences that may arise from certain policy changes. Additionally, encouraging healthy work-life balance shows employees that a company does not value only their job performance but also their value as people.

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