Some of the Most Highly-Anticipated PC Games for 2020

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New year, new chances, and more appropriately, new PC games to play. This year is definitely a treat for all PC gamers out there as more and more gaming companies release high-definition and more complex games for everybody to enjoy.

Prepare to get your desktop gaming computers ready and upgraded because here are the hottest upcoming games for 2020 that you need to watch out for.

Twin Mirror

From the same company that gave you the “Life is Strange” series, Dotnod Entertainment is back at it again for another first-person psychological thriller game, “Twin Mirror.” The game follows the main character, Sam, which first opened from an event that he experienced.

The storyline started from Sam returning back to his hometown to attend his late best friend’s funeral, which in turn, resulted in a twist of different events that are linked to each other. After the funeral, Sam then woke up the next day, drenched and covered in blood, with absolutely no memory of the events that followed the funeral.

From this point on, there would be lots of truths that would be unraveled upon the release of upcoming episodes, but for those who enjoyed the “Life is Strange” series, then this game is one thrilling treat for you.

Doom Eternal

Everybody was taken by surprise by the reboot of the game in 2016 with its fast-paced storyline and combatting exchanges and other extremities. Now the Doom Guy is bound to make his return this 2020, this time, with more action-packed, more thrilling fight scenes, and more demons to kill.

The first preview of the gameplay showed Doom Guy battling against a number of demons that have taken over the city. He is back on another dangerous mission to save humanity from extinction by defeating and continuing to slay demons and monsters that come his way.

The highly anticipated game is set to blast off from the seven circles of Hell on March 20th, 2020.

Cyberpunk 2077

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From the same company that brought “The Witcher Trilogy,” CD Projekt Red plans to release one of the most anticipated games of this year: Cyberpunk 2077. Coming on a high from Witcher Trilogy’s success, this new game is set to be another epic RPG game, but this time is set a few years ahead into the future.

Fans were quick to make speculations by pointing out that the game would have the same elements as Thief, Deus Ex and Dishonored, just tracing it from previous RPG games released by the same company.

The players who would play this game would be believed to take on the role of mercenary character named V, who has also participated in taking all sorts of job to boost their “street cred.” The percentage of the ‘street cred’ would determine the height of the jobs that the character would take.

There are still much more details yet to be revealed about the game’s elements and plotline. The game is also set to release on September 17th of this year.

Here are three of the most anticipated games of this year, 2020. If the descriptions already excite you, wait until you have actually availed the game to experience it. After all, the gaming experience will teach you everything you need to know!

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