Layout Design Options for Website Homepage Headers

Websites are the strongest selling points for businesses nowadays. Clients across all sectors often look for products online to compare prices and their available alternatives before walking into your physical store. While several free templates now exist online for website design, these might not be as cost-effective as they initially seem. In most cases, they will hardly impress customers and lead to high bounce rates.

Your best choice when aiming for high online profits is to hire an expert in digital marketing in Northampton. One element such a specialist will focus on is the website’s layout. This is a pattern that will define your overall website’s structure. It organises the information you want to present and generates a clear navigation path within your web pages. The header layout of your homepage is among the primary elements that will capture a client’s attention and convey a general picture of what a client should expect on your pages. Here are the most effective layout designs for homepage headers.

Static Image with No Text

This works best for websites that rely on beautiful photos to attract customers. These include hotels, restaurants, graphics-intensive sites and others dealing with lifestyle products and services. The static image will provide a full-page header that creates the best first impression to clients and allows them to visualise what to expect. The static image with no text, however, takes up valuable screen space and might leave clients slightly confused about what your company does.

Static Image with Text

website design with text and an image of car

Static image with text is your safest choice if you do not know what homepage header layout to choose. It works for virtually all websites. The text is often composed of a headline followed by a supporting paragraph and a call to action. A supporting image comes below the call to action or serves as a background. The image plays a supporting role instead of being the focal point. It mostly only reinforces the chosen headline and description.

Slideshow Header with Text

images of a website in different responsive specifications such as laptops, mobile, tablet and desktop computer

This works for companies catering to diverse customer types and dealing with multiple core services and products. The slideshow header with text layout allows you to showcase your offerings to different client demographics in a systematic manner. Photos of your products and services automatically slide across your header with some descriptive paragraphs on or below them.

Video Background Header

This layout introduces your company by featuring your processes in an engaging manner. Videos are the most effective for capturing people’s attention. It is no wonder that video backgrounds significantly boost brand awareness and a website’s engagement levels. With a video background header layout, use contextual rather than random videos to convey a specific message. You should also avoid using large video files since these might slow down your website’s loading speed.

Most people will only focus on picking the right colours for their websites. They assume headers will only have minimal impact on website visitors. This mistake reduces the returns they could have been reaping from their websites. To guarantee this is not the case for your website, get a professional’s input on what works best for your business and help in designing it.

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