Display Advertising: Perks and Best Practices

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In an increasingly digital world, our eyes are glued to the computer or phone screen regularly. Statista estimates that almost 4.57 billion people worldwide are active on the Internet as of April 2020.

When you’re promoting your business online, you want to make sure that your target audience notices you. For maximum visibility, several organizations hire services for pay-per-click advertising and search engine optimization.

One strategy that businesses use to promote online is display advertising.

Display Advertising and its Types

Display advertising covers all visual advertisements on a website. Display ads are the ones you see on the sidebars of a website.

There are three types of display advertising, namely:

  • Contextual Advertising: It involves advertising a product or service on a website with almost similar content, like promoting a movie streaming service on a site that reviews films.
  • Remarketing Advertising: This type of display advertising targets users who have previously visited your website. Cookies track the next site the user will visit and display your ads to that website. The goal is for the user to return to your site.
  • Site Placement Advertising: The advertiser or marketer chooses the website where they would like to place ads.

The Benefits of Display Advertising

One of the straightforward benefits of display advertising is its visual appeal. According to a study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, our brain can identify and process images faster than text. Using eye-catching display ads, you can stand out to users and convince them to visit or revisit your website.

The visual component of display ads also makes it easier for your target audience to remember your business. With an engaging copy and an attention-grabbing image, your user can learn more about your brand by looking at the ad.

Making Display Advertising Work for You


Here are the best ways to make your display advertising campaign a success:

#1: Learn and follow the standards

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) provides rules for display ads. According to the IAB, the ad should be different from your usual web content. The user must also have control over how they want to see the ads, whether they want their cookies to be tracked or refuse to see the display ads.

#2: Design with clarity, conciseness, and engagement in mind

Google Marketing advises to use the three Cs when designing a display ad:

  • Compelling: The ad must grab the attention of your target audience.
  • Concise: The ad must provide the information your user needs.
  • Clear: A clear call to action should entice your target audience to click the ad.

#3: Measure your results

Whatever type of display advertising you choose, you need to determine whether your campaign meets marketing goals.

Before starting a campaign, identify what performance indicators you want to track, like:

  • Engagement
  • New site visitors
  • Number of conversions

You can request this information from various marketing tools. If you’re advertising on social media, your chosen platform offers an Insights page where you can track your ad’s performance.

Display advertising harnesses visual appeal to catch your target audience’s attention and convince them to act, whether it’s to visit your website or buy a product. These tips can help you start your display advertising campaign successfully.

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